MARK MOB / STEVE IGNORANT - Witch Hunt / Life Kicks In (7")

Principally an artwork by young London graphic artist Ollie Dove, commissioned by Mark Mob and presented as 500 unique pieces.
Individually screen printed by hand, using eco-inks in 3 colours on heavyweight (200gsm) uncoated board. Each piece carries the beautifully flawed character of a hand-pulled screen print.
Each copy includes a 2pp Riso-print lyric insert and an 8pp Riso-print mini info-zine
Also includes the 7-inch single; enclosed in a two-colour on black, screen-printed inner bag
The hand-pulled screen printing is presented in its raw, tactile form (ie, not machine-coated) and should be handled and stored or displayed with care
This release project is in partnership with Best Foot Music; the Brighton-based, non-profit collaborative hub for social inclusion and cultural diversity - supporting, promoting and documenting the music and arts of communities, families and individuals who have relocated to the UK.
After-cost proceeds from this project will support Asociatia Autism Helping Hands; a day centre for autistic children in Petrosani, Romania